Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Camera angle, lighting, music, color pallet, and character placement are all things that are very interesting to me. Some people overlook these elements in a film or a play but these "insignificant" features are what really emphasizes the point of a particular scene. To me, being a director seems like it could be so much fun! Being in that authoritative position where you can decide how you want a scene to be portrayed to the audience is really an awesome thing entailing so many decisions. In a way, it could be considered brainwashing because YOUR vision of a particular scene is what is being shown to thousands of people. Reading and viewing Othello are two completely different experiences, but I was definitely glad that I read it first. By reading Shakespeare's work first I was able to visualize how the various scenes were played out rather than be shown/ told how another person interpreted that same scene. Though I did enjoy watching different interpretations of the same text, if I were a director, things would have been different.... but I am not... yet, at least.


  1. Good point. I often find it easier to watch someone else's portrayal of a work, but that seems to take the fun out of it. When reading a work, we subconsciously visualize each scene in our own minds, forming our own opinions and ideas about how it should be set. This seems to require us to be more active within the reading because nothing is influencing us except for our own interpretations in the close reading.

  2. I'm so curious (still!) how this would influence a person's reading of the play if they'd never read it before watching the film. Are you interested in directing? How should consider the film studies minor here and take some classes at Notre Dame b/c they've got a great Film/Media Dept.
