Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What's in a name?

In both novels, Lucy and Power names play a significant part of the main character's identity. Lucy Josephine Potter is a character who has an identity issue. When she learns the origin of her name she finds relief and a sense of self: Lucy- derived from Lucifer is a reference to the devil, Josephine- named after a wealthy uncle with hopes he may share some of his wealth, and Potter- after a wealthy English man who was a slave owner. To me these names do not reflect who Lucy is, but understanding the significance of these names allows Lucy to take ownership of each name regardless of their accuracy. Omishto, also wears a name with significance, meaning "the one who watches." Like these girls, I, too, hold a great sense of identity with my name. From the start, I have had to deal with mispronunciations and misspellings of my name- Máire pronounced Mora. They even spelled my name wrong on my birth certificate! Máire is the gaelic name for Mary meaning "bitterness," "wished for child," and "beloved." Since I have had to deal with a lot of mispronunciation, I have learned to love and take a great sense of ownership and pride in my name. As unique as it is, it fits my personality to a "t"! I know we talked about this a little in class, but do you take ownership of your name like Lucy, Omishto, and I do? Or would you prefer to have been named something else?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you about your name. It is very unique which is good. I too come from long frustrations of people spelling my name wrong. My last name was even spelled wrong on my high school diploma!
