Wednesday, April 22, 2009
"'Dance with this,' and I dance and as the wind stirs in the trees..." (235). The final line of the novel Power ends with reference to Oni, or wind. Oni is not simply wind for the Taiga people, but rather a source of life that sustains. As Omishto fans herself and dances, she creates her own wind. A wind that empowers her to be the woman she desires to be. The woman that she knows she can be. Does our breath create a wind for others, a wind which helps them fly? I really liked the idea of Oni that was mentioned throughout the text because for them this wind is what keeps them going from day to day. What keeps you going from day to day? Others' expectations? External pressure? God? Faith? For me, it is a combination of many things, but it is definitely an intangible presence.

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I think that it is interesting how many people chose to write about Oni and the power it has. The author successfully got her point across by mentioning it multiple times throughout the novel! I love the line in your blog, "does our wind create a breath for others" because it shows how everything is intertwined and connected.