Living in South Bend, Indiana forces me to embrace the COLD. Along with the excellent education that I am receiving, I have also learned to overcome the blistering, cold winter days (which seem to be quite abundant this winter). As I walk out of my warm classroom building and enter the negative twenty degree weather and another blizzard, my creative juices somehow began emerging. One assignment I have is to create a metaphor that captured my writing process. What more appropriate metaphor than a blizzard, one in which I cannot see a foot in front of me. Each step in the fresh snow becomes one step closer to the final destination, either my dorm room or a completed paper, though the beginning is often blurred. Usually when I write, I become easily overwhelmed and bombarded with ideas which could create a dynamic paper but the end product is never clear. I often write and rewrite my opening paragraph several time before I have something that works, sometimes I even begin my paper with an u

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